How To: Count from 10 to 100 in French
Watch to learn how to count by tens from 10 to 100 in French. dix - ten
How To: Count from 20 to 30 in French
Watch to learn how to say the numbers from twenty to thirty in French. vingt - twenty
How To: Count from 30 to 40 in French
Watch to learn how to say the numbers from thirty to forty in French. trente - thirty
How To: Count from 40 to 50 in French
Watch to learn how to say the numbers from forty to fifty in French. quarante - forty
How To: Conjugate "porter" in French in the present tense
Learn how to conjugate the French verb "porter" (to carry) in the present tense
How To: Conjugate "falloir" in French in the present tense
Learn how to conjugate the French verb "falloir" (to be necessary) in the present tense.
How To: Say 'I', 'you', 'he', 'she', 'we', & 'they' in French
In this French lesson, you'll learn the basic French pronouns. In the French language, pronouns like "I" and "she" are already familiar around the world, but others like "us" or "them" are unknown. Learn all of the following words in French"
How To: Count from 50 to 60 in French
Watch to learn how to say the numbers from fifty to sixty in French. cinquante - fifty
How To: Say 'My Name Is' in Perfect French ('Je M'appelle')
Pronunciation is key to learning any new language. Before diving into the vocabulary and basic phrases, a good approach is to listen and try and get your aural perception honed in. A new word or phrase, like "je m'appelle" in French, is awesome to learn, but it's important to learn it correctly: that starts and ends with pronunciation.
How To: Say 'what is your name' and 'my name is' in French
Meeting new people can be hard for some people, especially if they're using a different language, like French. This video will teach you how to say "what is your name" and "my name is" in French. To ask someone their name, a stranger or someone older than you, ask, "Comment vous appelez-vous?". When asking someone your own age, it's "Comment tu t'appelles?" To answer, say "Je m'appelle" + Your Name. Example: "Je m'appelle David."
How To: Count from 60 to 70 in French
Watch to learn how to say the numbers from sixty to seventy in French. soixante - sixty
How To: Say the names of weapons in French
Watch to learn how to say the names of some weapons, like a machete and a grenade, in French. une balle - bullet
How To: Say "I had a good time" in perfect French
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to say the French words for "I had a good time": "J'ai passé un bon moment." While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Ask someone if they speak English in French
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to ask someone if they speak english: "Parlez-vous anglais?" or "Est-ce que vous parlez anglais?" While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Identify the parts of a horse in French
Learn how to identify the parts of a horse in French
How To: Say the names of the parts of an elephant in French
Learn how to say the names of the parts of an elephant in French
How To: Say numbers 80 through 90 in French
Learn how to spell and say the numbers 80 through 90 in French
How To: Pronounce "oi," "ou," and "on" in French
Watch to learn how to pronounce French words with "oi," "ou," and "on" in them.
How To: Pronounce "gu" and "gn" in French
Watch to learn how to pronounce French words with "gu" and "gn" in them.
How To: Count from one to ten in perfect French
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to count from one to ten in French: "un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, neuf, dix"! While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Count from 1 to 100 in perfect French
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to count from one to one hundred in perfect French" While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Toast and say "to your health" in French
It's hard enough to get through the holidays without strangling your relatives. It's even harder when you and your family don't speak the same language. Get through at least the beginning of your Thanksgiving dinner by checking out this video.
How To: Say the phrase "I'm thirsty" in French
It's hard enough to get through the holidays without strangling your relatives. It's even harder when you don't speak the same language. If you have family that only speaks French, check out this video to learn how to say "I'm thirsty."
How To: Say the phrase "I'm hungry" in French
Are your relatives coming over for Thanksgiving? It's probably hard enough entertaining the adults with conversation while trying to keep the kids from drawing on your walls, and probably even harder when some of your relatives only speak a foreign language that you don't speak.
How To: Say "I am full" in French after a big meal
Got relatives coming over for Thanksgiving? While entertaining - and sometimes trying not to strangle - loved ones is hard enough on Turkey Day, when those relatives only speak a foreign language, things get plain awkward.
How To: Say the phrase "This food is delicious" in French
Got relatives coming over for Thanksgiving? While entertaining - and sometimes trying not to strangle - loved ones is hard enough on Turkey Day, when those relatives only speak a foreign language, things get plain awkward.
How To: Use basic food vocabulary in French
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn useful food-related French vocabulary. While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Say hello in perfect French ("bonjour")
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to say the French word for "hello": "bonjour." While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Say "I want to buy" in perfect French
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to say the French words for "I would like to buy": "Je voudrais acheter." While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Say "I don't understand" in perfect French
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to say the French words for "I don't understand": "Je ne comprends pas." While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Say "I don't speak French" in perfect French
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to say the French words for "I don't speak French": "Je ne parle pas français." While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Ask how much something costs in perfect French
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to ask the price of something in French: "C'est combien?" While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Ask how a person is doing in perfect French
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to ask how a person's feeling in French: "Comment allez-vous?" While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Say "good night" in perfect French ("bonne nuit")
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to say the French words for "good night": "bonne nuit." While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Say good or well in perfect French ("bien")
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to say the French word for "good" and "well": "bien." While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Flirt with someone in French
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn a few flirtatious French phrases. While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Say excuse me in French ("excusez-moi")
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to say the French words for "excuse me": "excusez-moi." While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Count to 100 in French
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to count to one hundred in perfect French. While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Ask where the bathroom is in French
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to ask where the bathroom is in French: "où sont les toilettes?" While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.
How To: Make a toast in French ("à votre santé")
In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to say the French words for "to your health": "à votre santé." While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.