Watch this video to learn how to say common adjectives like "hot," "cold," and "hungry" in French. The illustrations aid comprehension.
affamé - starving
beau - beautiful
étrange - strange
brouillant - noisy
chaud - hot
célèbre - famous
dangereux - dangerous
difficile - difficult
douloureux - painful
effrayant - frightening
en colère - angry
en forme - in shape
endormi - asleep
fort - strong
frais - cool
froid - cold
grand et petit - tall and short
gros - fat
ivre - drunk
lent - slow
lointain - faraway
lourd - heavy
fièvré - feverish
jeune - young
occupé - busy
pauvre - poor
rassasié - full
rapide - fast
riche - rich
vieux - old
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1 Comment
affamé - starving ... Not that common
beau - good-looking (beautiful would rather be "magnifique")
étrange - strange
bruyant - noisy
chaud - hot
célèbre - famous
dangereux - dangerous
difficile - difficult
douloureux - painful
effrayant - frightening
en colère - angry
en forme - in shape
endormi - asleep
fort - strong
frais - cool
froid - cold
grand et petit - tall and short
gros - fat
ivre - drunk
lent - slow
lointain - faraway
lourd - heavy
fiévreux - feverish
jeune - young
occupé - busy
pauvre - poor
rassasié - full
rapide - fast
riche - rich
vieux - old
I'm sorry but as a native speaker I felt the need to correct those... If you want some vocabulary, just ask.
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